A Healthy, Balanced Yoga Practice

You strive to find balance in your yoga postures, but you should have balance in your yoga practice. A healthy practice includes the wellness of your mind, body, and spirit.

Also, as a yogi in modern times, don’t be so hard on yourself. Balance is the key as you are navigating your way through life and your yoga. You need work, play, and rest. Give yourself permission!

Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being

You might be attracted to yoga because you think it is an effective form of exercise. Alternatively, you might be drawn to it as a method of stress relief. The fabulous news is that it works both ways!

A yoga practice helps you to cultivate the tools you need to keep calm and cool in your everyday life. These tools are useful in handling challenging situations and difficult people, thus keeping your stress as minimal as possible. You learn to act out of an authentic place of love and kindness, rather than a reactive place fueled by fiery emotion. Of course, this does not mean that you will never get angry, feel sad, or get into a fight, but it gives you self-awareness to conduct yourself accordingly.

One of the most important benefits is that yoga reaffirms your interconnectedness with everything within and beyond the universe, which fosters a deep connection with Spirit.

The Balancing Act

One of the greatest gifts of being a yogi is that you can define what that means to you. While I wholeheartedly respect the tradition of yoga and encourage others to recognize yoga as a discipline and system, I also know that people need healing! So if you view your daily, weekly, or even monthly yoga class as your escape from the hustle and bustle of your crazy, hectic world, then so be it! If you see it as a way to ground and reconnect with yourself, then great! If it is your exercise of choice, then that is what it is.

Take what you can from your practice, as long as you know that it has so much to offer for your mind, body, and spirit. Most importantly, keep practicing. You never have to achieve perfection. You don’t have to be a vegetarian, meditate and go to asana class daily, and you don’t have to be the poster person for cool and calm. Find the formula that works for you.

Standing on Your “Own One Foot”: An Exercise in Finding Balance

The next time you are in Tree pose, focus your mind away from worry and fear. Feel the movement within your body, the energy from the earth, your connection with yourself. Find your strength, your centre, your balance. Be in the moment. Breathe.

The practice of learning to work with often challenging balance postures, such as Tree, Warrior 3, and Dancer, helps you to observe yourself, thus finding your own balance in daily life. Never underestimate the power of your yoga asana, as it can reveal much about yourself. Work with yourself, your mind, and your body to create a comfortable mental and physical space for yourself.

In the end, don’t try so hard. Allow yourself to be present and find true health through a balanced approach!