Why Choose Yoga Over Other Forms of Exercise

Although yoga is not just another form of exercise, there are many reasons why you should consider it as your main method of taking care of your body. In addition to keeping you in good physical health, it also allows you to maintain emotional and mental health. Other forms of exercise have great benefits, but they may often not be appropriate for your unique body.

Yoga for Every Body

While everybody can practice yoga in some shape or form, the style of yoga most appropriate for you depends on your own unique shape and form! There is a yoga practice for every body. You just need to see which styles of yoga are for you.

The ABCs of Yoga Etiquette

It can be embarrassing for beginners to ask questions. Of course, you should never feel embarrassed at all to ask for information or clarification if you are not sure of something. Yoga teachers even feel hesitant to present yoga etiquette for fear of appearing offensive or controlling.

Does Yoga Always Feel Good? Balancing Positive with Negative

Should yoga make you feel good? The straight answer: not always. While yoga is designed to make the mind and body as healthy as possible, this does not mean that it always enjoyable. Yoga asana should never cause pain, but it can often cause physical and psychological discomfort. As you develop certain tools, you learn how to ease your way through that discomfort.