Picking Favourites: Investigating our Yoga Pose Preferences

Many of us have a favourite yoga pose – the one that took us forever to master; the one that really made yoga “click” for us; the one that helped us heal an injury; the one that always chills us out. Some yoga poses may feel intuitive for our bodies, and directly helpful, while some just make no sense, and are totally uncomfortable. It stands to reason that the former poses become our favourites, right?

Fully Experience Your Yoga Poses

Yoga is like the proverbial onion: it is simple on the outside, but within the many translucent layers lies a deep elusive core. For your yogic pleasure, here are 5 micro-layers for you to explore and peel away in your asana practice. You can apply these 5 interconnected skins to any and every yoga pose you practice.

The Perfect Yogi Makes Mistakes

It’s alright to laugh at ourselves, and it’s very important to see how serious we take things — how judgmental we can be. Soften your ego, embrace the places in your yoga practice that you struggle with, and compassionately let your practice grow.