Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for weight loss is not a new concept. Many yoga teachers and yoga writers have focused on the epidemic of obesity that plagues North American society. But here’s a unique and more holistic spin on the idea of losing weight.

Let Your Yoga Dance!

Yoga should be fun. We run around and work hard all day, worried and stressed-out. The last thing we need is to bring this stress onto our yoga mats. Yoga can be an art form in many ways – a space for creative expression and a source for constructive personal release and awakening. In short, yoga can be fun, if you approach it with the right outlook.

The Art of Yoga Multitasking

What if I told you that combining yoga techniques, in the same amount of practice time and with minimal extra effort, could yield incredible results? The art of yoga multitasking is about adding value and depth to your yoga practice without adding any more time. When you combine yoga techniques, which are usually taught and practised separately, you are also combining the benefits of these ancient actions, and their effects are exponentially increased.

Asteya: The Yoga of Non-Stealing

The third of the yamas, or inner restraints, is asteya: to not take what is not freely offered. Asteya asks us to peel back these basic levels of stealing and explore the subtle ways we take what is not offered. Beyond material objects, the purpose of this yoga practice is to explore what immaterial things can be ‘stolen’.