Yoga and the Mind: Exploring the 5 Hindrances

States of mind are like clouds in the sky. They are impermanent, and some pass by more quickly than others. Some thoughts and emotions are like dark, heavy clouds carrying rainstorms, while others are light and thin, barely noticeable.

Cloudy Thoughts

Yoga classifies 5 of the foggiest, thickest clouds, as hindrances of the mind because they cloud and obscure clear thought and feeling. The 5 hindrances of the mind are desire, aversion, sloth, restlessness and doubt.

The 5 Hindrances of the Mind

Here is a basic description of each of the 5 hindrances of the mind to help you recognize your mental clouds during practice. With proper understanding, you can also develop ways to gently blow them away.


A state of desire is quite obviously accompanied by feelings of craving, wanting, grasping or clinging. This is a state in which we are motivated towards some pleasant experience or sensation.

If you notice desire arise during your yoga practice, your prescription is restraint. Pause in this state of desire and reflect on the object of desire, perhaps digging in a bit deeper to see your underlying motivations. By embracing the transient nature of desire, you can let go of your clinging. Letting go is a must, or else you are condemned to always wanting something more.


Being the opposite mental state to desire, aversion is characterized by repulsion, anger, judgment and fear. In this state, you are unhappy, and you want something to be different.

Aversion and desire are perhaps the most common and darkest clouds we see on and off the yoga mat, and they often partner up. Aversion, say to tight hips, will fuel desire for flexible hips. Your best course of action for aversion, as an antidote to its intense negativity, is to cultivate loving thoughts.


Sleepy, dull, lazy — we’ve all been there and felt that thick cloud hanging down to our shoulders. To remedy this particular mental hindrance, label it, name it: it is sloth. Then stand up, take some deep breaths, open your eyes and try to focus your mind on one thing.


On the other hand, if you are feeling agitated, worried, nervous or edgy, you are in a state of restlessness. The cure for restlessness is strong determination. Focus on the goal of your yoga practice and channel your energy there. Let go of regret and worry and practice with tenacity.


Doubt is born of an insecure and judgmental mind that lives in demoralizing thoughts. This mental hindrance can be a subtle cloud we barely notice. Try to focus your attention on the truth of each moment; see it, face it and bring it into your heart.

Cloudless Compassion

Treat your mind like you do your body: with awareness, compassion and wisdom. This means that instead of fighting or suppressing your mental clouds, take a good hard look at them, see them for what they really are. They are merely transient states that will go just as they came.

Come back to the present moment, right here, right now, on your yoga mat, and let those clouds float on by.