Springtime Yoga: Detoxing the Liver and Kidneys

Spring has finally arrived – and while it may seem like the warm sunny days and bright green buds are enough to rid you of your winter lethargy, it takes a specialized yoga practice to truly detoxify and reinvigorate your body.

By the end of the winter season the major cleansing organs of the body (the liver, gallbladder and kidneys) are at their most stagnant and toxic. This is due to a combination of factors, which are at their peak in the winter months: sedentary lifestyle, over indulgence in heavy foods, and too little exercise and fresh air. These factors cause an accumulation of toxins in the body, and can leave us feeling heavy and lethargic, at both a mental and physical level.

Yoga can enhance the natural detoxification process by increasing the circulation of blood through our body, and stimulate organ function. Imagine a sponge filled with dirty water – when it is squeezed, the water drains out, and when it is released, it absorbs clean water. Yoga poses create the same type of effect on the organs as the movements and placement of the body creates subtle pressure in the abdominal cavity. When this pressure is created, toxins in the organ are gently squeezed out, and when the pose is released, new, freshly oxygenated blood is absorbed, revitalizing the organ, helping it function optimally.

Side bends specifically target the kidneys, while twists are ideal for targeting the liver and gallbladder. Here are two yoga poses to help you make a smooth transition from a slow, sedentary winter into a rejuvenated spring!

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) with Twist

Stand on your yoga mat in Mountain pose. Lengthen your spine and inhale your arms above your head, interlacing your fingers while pointing the index finger up (Steeple Position). Exhale and soften your shoulders away from your ears. Inhale and grow tall through the crown of your head, then slowly exhale sending your hips to the right and bending your torso to the left.

Keep your shoulders and hips stacked, as though you were between two panes of glass. Keep the flow of breath moving, using it to expand the right side of the ribs. Slowly, on an inhale, press into your feet and return to standing. Pause for a few breaths, and then repeat on the other side. Repeat the series on both sides three times.

Dashrath’s Twist

Lie on your back with your feet (hip-width apart) close to your buttocks. Grasp opposite elbows with your wrists above your shoulders. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, let your arms fall to the right, bringing your right elbow to the ground, while dropping your knees to the left. (Keep both feet on the floor). As you inhale, bring your arms and legs back to center, and exhale to the opposite side. Keep the breath flowing deeply as you move smoothly from side to side. Continue for a minimum of ten breaths.