Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for weight loss is not a new concept. Many yoga teachers and yoga writers have focused on the epidemic of obesity that plagues North American society. But here’s a unique and more holistic spin on the idea of losing weight.

Holistic Weight Loss

Yoga is a practice that strives towards bringing physical, mental, and spiritual health to its practitioners. Yoga is most effective when a yogi or yogini views their practice from this holistic perspective, even when their goal may be focused on one particular realm.

So, in the case of weight loss, we can optimize our yoga practice by addressing each realm of our being. Below you will find a breathing practice, pose, and concentration technique to help feel mentally and physically lighter.

Boost Your Thyroid

The thyroid gland, located in your neck, produces two types of hormones. These hormones affect how your body uses energy, which directly influences your metabolism. To increase your metabolic rate, and help you loose weight, you can target the thyroid with this yogic breath.

Come to a comfortable seated position, and begin to slowly deepen your breath until you are working with full yogic breath, or three-part breath. Exhale completely, and keeping your mouth closed and your throat soft let your chin drop down towards your chest so you are gently compressing your thyroid. Hold the exhale as long as feels comfortable, then bring your head back up so you are looking forward before slowly inhaling again. Repeat this throat “lock,” or bandha, five times.

Integrate the following concentration technique into the breathing practice outlined above. Each time you exhale, repeat to yourself, “I release negative thoughts and feelings about my body.” Each time you inhale repeat to yourself, “I inhale acceptance for myself and my body.”

Dynamic Spinal Twist

Spinal twists are the ultimate asanas for weight loss. Not only do they facilitate digestion, but they also stimulate the fat stored in the midsection, making it easier to burn off.

Lie down on your yoga mat, bend your legs and bring your knees in towards your chest. Bring your arms onto the floor straight out from your shoulders with your palms facing up. On an exhale, let both knees drop down to one side towards your armpit. Let your legs rest on the ground and breathe as deeply as possible for ten full cycles. Repeat on the opposite side.

Releasing Self-Judgment

Meeting the challenge of weight loss is frustrating: you might feel like you are fighting against your body most of the time rather than working with it. While the often paradoxical advice of yoga can be further irritating, it does work remarkably well.

Transformation can only be achieved by embracing our challenges. We can fight with ourselves as much as we want, but this only builds more physical and mental rigidity. As difficult as it may be, being compassionate and gentle with your body by releasing judgement is the first step to lasting weight loss. When you yield to your body, your body yields to you.