Restorative Yoga: Therapeutic, Relaxing & Highly Addictive

Restorative yoga is gaining popularity as studios offer more regular workshops and classes. Unlike more familiar styles of yoga, restorative yoga is highly therapeutic. While less physically demanding, it requires mental focus and surrender, which can be just as challenging.

Anybody who has ever taken one of my Restorative Yoga with Thai Massage offerings becomes an instant addict! For 75- to 90-minutes, students are guided into passive yoga postures, fully supported by props such as yoga blocks, blankets, and bolsters for a luxurious experience. Participants also receive therapeutic thai yoga massage to encourage deep relaxation and release. Students pursue their inward journey through a combination of aromatherapy, inspiring words, and original poetry.

Who can take a restorative yoga class?

Anybody who seeks healing should consider restorative yoga. It can effectively address conditions of stress, depression, and anxiety. It is appropriate for people with limited mobility and/or injuries who may not be able to participate in physically active yoga practices. Most people can usually participate safely in a restorative class and receive its maximum benefits.

Learn to let go: Breathe!

The majority of our population needs to learn how to relax. Restorative yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for bringing the body back into balance or equilibrium, especially after intense periods of stress or exhaustion. A restorative practice can help to release deeply held tension, stress, pain, and trauma.

Breathing is the foundation of any yoga practice. However, it is easy to forget this if you have become accustomed to straining and struggling through movements, as opposed to allowing your breath to lead you. Though active yoga should be a form of moving meditation, restorative yoga is more akin to what we know as meditation. Awareness of inhalations and exhalations brings us into the present and away from worry, fear, and anxiety.

Restorative yoga is all about deep release. Most people are just learning to let go. Proper breathing clears energy channels to allow prana, our life force, to flow freely and revitalize our bodily systems. Full deep breathing keeps us calm, centred, and connected.

What can I expect from a restorative class?

A class usually starts with an initial relaxation or meditation to focus the mind and set the tone. Your teacher might lead you through gentle movements and stretches before entering into the stillness of supported postures. A series of approximately 10 postures are held for anywhere between 2 to 15 minutes at a time. You should feel warm, comfortable, and pain-free!

Here are some key restorative postures:

Savasana (Corpse Pose) is the ultimate relaxation pose, usually considered a favourite by practitioners of all levels.

Supta Baddha Konasa (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) opens hips, groins, and the heart centre.

Salamba Balasana (Child’s Pose) is calming and comforting, helps with breath connection, and alleviates lower back discomfort.

After a restorative class, you will feel light, calm, and well-rested with a heightened sense of awareness. You will ask yourself. “Why haven’t I tried this before?” Fortunately, an addiction to restorative yoga has no known side effects except positive ones. So keep indulging!