Three Ways to Creativity Through Yoga Practice

Whether you are a yoga teacher who paints on the side, a full-time author who enjoys a weekly class, or a yoga practitioner who’s always wanted to try something creative, you are on the right track with yoga! As connections between the two types of practice reveal themselves to you, they can be cultivated to make yoga one of the most valuable tools in your artistic arsenal!

Can Yoga Just Be Fun?

Somewhere along this path to enlightenment which you call yoga, you forgot that part of the whole point is balance! You’re allowed to have fun during yoga practice, you’re allowed to laugh, and you’re really, really allowed to be present with others in the yoga studio and seek connection even when they veer off the path you thought they should take.

Put Your Best Feet Forward: Yoga for the Feet

Healthy feet are a key element to a healthy body! Many experts, from podiatrists to osteopaths to yoga teachers agree that proper alignment in the feet can stave off not only foot problems, but knee, hip and back trouble as well. When we look at the body holistically, as we do in yoga, this certainly stands to reason.

How to Force People to do Yoga (or Not)!

Of course we want people to do yoga because it’s done a world of good for us in some regard – newfound strength, resilience, a more positive outlook. For those of us who have been fortunate to heal an injury with the help of yoga, or break through psychological barriers that were holding us back, we begin to see similar patterns of pain in others, and now know the antidote is yoga!

How Yoga Creates Space

Yoga teachers often ask us to create more space – between the shoulders and ears, between the collar bones, in the belly as we breathe in…very helpful cues for getting the most out of our poses. How might this concept of creating space play into the rest of our lives, both on and off the yoga mat?